Quick Update + Note About This Blog

Hey *waves*.

If you’re one of the few people who actively follows me, sorry for not posting in awhile. Winter is the worst season for my mental health, and I’ve been preoccupied with school, so my writing mojo is low. Hopefully I should get some inspiration during the spring and summer.

I do want to make a quick announcement to anyone new/just discovering this blog and going through my old posts. First of all, welcome! Secondly, I want to make something clear: a lot of my older posts (before 2020ish) may contain outdated language, opinions, or viewpoints. I started writing this blog when I was a lot younger, and I’m still learning, and I try to have my writing reflect that.

I do try to revise/edit some of my older posts to better reflect on who I am today, but I can’t guarantee that it will happen for all of them at the same time. If you read something of mine that you find offensive or ignorant, or if you’re curious if I still believe what I wrote, you’re more than free to reach out to me through my Contact page and I’ll make the necessary edits and updates. Or you can just go “screw this” and click away, whatever you’re happier/more comfortable with. At the end of the day, while I am always trying to self improve and expand my horizons and learn more about and from other people, I’m just one voice on the Internet. I may speak, but you are the one who decides if I’m worth listening to or not.

That’s all I wanted to say for now. May spring come soon and may this year not be completely horrific!